[ UPDATE: 24 August 1019 ~ I was led to veganism through my dietary intolerances, allergies and complications from CIRS and MCS. There’s actually nothing virtuous about how I got her; yet!, vegan bashing is still in thing–even in my own community. Every conversation that ultimately leads to a statement or question about veganism is led by a statement on ‘ethics’. You’d think people in your own illness community would understand. I was recently told that I am still sick because of my vegan diet by a ‘friend’, yet I’ve been on a plant based diet (on and off but more on than off, if you know what I mean) for five years now. I have been sick for 17. You do the math. Bone broth didn’t save me then; why’s it different now?
And the amount of times I’ve heard: “but your ethics wouldn’t allow that.” Why would other sick people assume that you’re vegan for ethics when your life is at stake? If vegans and meat eaters do not sustain themselves and they’re already sick. They can get sicker. Who plays with their health over ethics. Sure, the two can meet but it takes work and how can ethics matter if you can’t hold your food down? Who would want to eat meat, or grains for that matter, if they literally can’t stomach it, take a number two, pack weight on, feel lethargic and have a vomit constantly burning your throat.
It’s sad to see people argue the points of veganism, while missing the point entirely: that the majority of people and ALL of the planet do better when humans eat a plant based diet. The Amazon burning today is an example of this exact scenario. Does it make me happy to be on the side of right? No, not at all!]
For those who are not vegan and like to send texts stating: ‘Ethically Murdered Meat’, where when we click on the link and it goes to an organic or, sorry, Biodynamic butcher shop. It’s not funny. I care about these animals, greatly. Please respect the idea that some humans have woken up and are in touch with what is actually happening to living beings before you say dumb stuff. (The comment above was more original than what I often see online. Like, “Look at my canines.” *that’s a good one*.
Watch this video by ‘Compassionate Living‘, please. See it through our eyes:
See the World Through Vegan Eyes
Co-edited by The Vegan Activist
Compassionate Living: Instagram
Compassionate Living: Facebook
Compassionate Living: TwitterHealth: Nutritionfacts.org
Environment: Cowspiracy
Vegan Starter Kit: Vegan Kit
Thank you for sharing this insightful video. I will share among some of my friends but I’m sure I’ll be ridiculed but the reality is, they ridicule me anyway. I’m not Vegan but I’m vegetarian on the verge of veganism and have the same empathy for animals. Much love <3
Thank you for watching. I am so happy you are on the path to veganism, It is so different for all of us but it’s true, yes, we get ridiculed about it. Like being sensitive to someone else’s life or feelings is an awful quality to have? Much Love to you too, Samira <3