Build an Eco-Friendly, Allergy-Free House: Building a Home with Ganesh
All the Build an Eco-Friendly, Allergy-Free House blog posts
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The Book: Freedom: Build an Allergy-Free, Eco-Friendly Home (Release date 2017)
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Build an Eco-Friendly, Allergy-Free House: Building a Home with Ganesh
All the Build an Eco-Friendly, Allergy-Free House blog posts
The Book: Freedom: Build an Allergy-Free, Eco-Friendly Home (Release date 2017)
An Allergy-Free, Eco-Friendly Kitchen In our last post in the series 'Part II: An Allergy-Free, Eco-Friendly Kitchen: 'What Are Your Countertops Hiding' by The Labyrinth's lovely Guest Blogger Jennifer, aka The Allergista, who posted about avoiding skin contact allergens and chemical-irritants when choosing your benchtop coating! Thank you, Jennifer xoxo. Today, however, we share ideas on…
20 June, 2016
In "Building Biology"
This is one of the first articles I wrote as a chemically sensitive patient back in 2006. I'd been sensitive to chemicals for only two years; and I thought I was so clever when we discovered a way to seal in the formaldehyde fumes coming from the brand new kitchen…
8 October, 2015
In "Foil"
Why is this house taking so long? [Update: our house is finished. More coming soon] It's taking us a an extended amount of time, more than 12 months now, to build our Allergy-free House. A good friend who built their own safe house, and has now recovered, told us, "Take your time.…
13 January, 2017
In "Build an Eco-friendly Allergy-free House"
Michellina Van Loder is a Professional Writer, Journalist, Web Designer and Blogger at Labyrinth Press where she shares her and others tales about trail blazing the way out of the Labyrinth of Chemical Sensitivities and Mould, here, down under in Australia. Oh, and we share the latest news, resources, research, and opinion on MCS, EHS, CIRS and related.
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