For the past year, I’ve been consistently taking Glutathione via capsules called Deluxe Scavengers. Three a day; plus extra in the form of just plain Glutathione if I’m not well (Deluxe Scavengers also contain CO Q 10, Selenium, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Selenium, Riboflavin, B6, N-acetyl cysteine, Lemon flavonoids). I’ve blogged about taking it via capsule form, before. (A bit of backtrack) I’ve been gobbling these as if they were lollies off and on for a few years. Back in 2009, I thought I’d recovered and stopped taking them; however, lately, I’ve been hitting them like a kid at a club: bloody hardcore! (Seriously, I reckon that along with the other 22 supplements I take daily (and nightly), that me (and possibly you!) would rattle if shaken.)
Now, as some of you may be aware, during the last two years, my health (on many levels) has gone from Worse to Mahoosivley Worse. However! From September, 2014—while I was still studying my Diploma (Yep! Tick, done that!) at VU—my health slowly began to pick itself up out of the gutter. First it was 2-3 days without the majority of symptoms, then it was a week, a month, now it’s been since the 6th of October. (Oh, *coincidently, those time periods where without major chemical exposures via inhalation of chemical irritants.)
Today, I’ll be discussing the reasons for taking Glutathione, why people with immune dysfunction need it; the various ways in which to absorb it; what I take, personally; and some alternative ways we can get it; and what it is I plan to try next (and what I’m not about to try).
But first, know this: Glutathione is a major scavenger, is short lived in the body, and it is produced in the body by three precursor amino acids: 1) cysteine (or N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)); 2) glutamic acid (or glutamine); 3) glycine (DMG or betaine HCl).
From Professor Martin Pall’s research: Other elements needed to support the role of Glutathione: a-Lipoic acid—important antioxidant helps regenerate reduced glutathione. Also, D-ribose—increased regeneration of adenine nucleotides (including ATP) after energy metabolism dysfunction and may also help restore reduced glutathione pools. (I’m taking all of the above except for glutamine, glycine and D-Ribose but will be taking these as soon as my budget allows for it. It’s taken a whole year to build up the supplements to be able to do three quarters of this protocol! Only one quarter to go. Want to help? Buy my Book, please.)
Nebulised Glutathione
It can be taken via a nebuliser where it’s inhaled in a nebulised mist. For this purpose, it’s best taken in a buffered tablet form. The term ‘buffered’ just means that the glutathione is diluted with bicarbonate of soda because if the pH is too acidic it can lead to bronchospasm when inhaled.
More from Phoenix Rising:
“People who are subject to asthmatic attacks should not use nebulized glutathione, as it can result in bronchospasm, thought to be caused by the sulfites that form when glutathione is mixed with water.
It’s also very important in nebulizing to use pure, boiled or sterile water, and a clean nebulizer in order to prevent introducing infections or respirable particulates into the lungs. Because of these issues, nebulizing is best done under the supervision of a doctor or a respiratory therapist.”
The nebulizing of buffered glutathione is one of the treatments I’ve instigated and facilitated as a part of my own wellness plan: this particular one is not under the care of a doctor; however, I didn’t just make it up, trust me! It’s a part of Dr Grace Ziem’s Neural Sensitization Protocol on which she collaborated with Dr Martin Pall. Pall has developed a theory called the NO/ONOO cycle and its relation to oxidative stress, which can be found here. (I’ll post some more on what else I’ve been doing during 2014—2015 as a part of this protocol ASAP.)
The reasons for the success of Nebulized Glutathione are discussed in the study, ‘The Treatment of Pulmonary Diseases and Respiratory-Related Conditions with Inhaled (Nebulized or Aerosolized) Glutathione‘ on NCBI (The National Center for Biotechnology Information):
“Reasons for inhaled GSH’s effectiveness include its role as a potent antioxidant, and possibly improved oxygenation and host defenses. Theoretical uses of this treatment include Farmer’s lung, pre- and postexercise, multiple chemical sensitivity disorder and cigarette smoking. GSH inhalation should not be used as a treatment for primary lung cancer. Testing for sulfites in the urine is recommended prior to GSH inhalation. Minor side effects such as transient coughing and an unpleasant odor are common with this treatment. Major side effects such as bronchoconstriction have only occurred among asthma patients presumed to be sulfite-sensitive. The potential applications of inhaled GSH are numerous when one considers just how many pulmonary diseases and respiratory-related conditions are affected by deficient antioxidant status or an over production of oxidants, poor oxygenation and/or impaired host defenses.”
So yeah, I’ve been snorting Glutathione… hardcore
To nebulize (Note: Underlines are not links; they’re just for emphasis!):
“a) Use nebulizer brand per Key Pharmacy 800-878-1322. Use water (or saline) alone first time. Nebulize at least 3-4 times daily, more often with exposure, when sicker or to get better faster.
b) Add 2 ml (droppers) of water to nebulizer first, then add 1 drop concentrated specialized vitamin B12 (methylcobalamine) in nebulizer. Never put B12 in first. For 5 mg strength you may need to dilute with 5-10 drops or more of water in extra small brown bottle. Gradually increase to 5 mg full strength.
c) If you have Rx for nebulized glutathione, add 2 drops glutathione to 2 ml water in nebulizer. If any irritation, dilute to below irritation level. Increase concentration gradually, staying below irritation level. If okay increase glutathione add 2 drops, then 4, 6, 8, etc. until you can use glutathione without water (can use with compounded 5mg/drop B12). If you have irritation (coughing, etc.) reduce glutathione dose irritation level until more healing, then slowly increase again. Never put B12 in first as it will clog the filter, add to water/glutathione.
d) When you can use glutathione 10 mg/ml, gradually increase concentration with pharmacy, e.g. 40mg/ml, 80mg/ml.
If you have irritation after nebulizing, discontinue. Then for mild symptoms dilute further, and go up more gradually. Worse inflammation needs more dilute amounts or injectable forms.”
I started doing this because of painful symptoms experienced in and around my eyes. When I breathe in certain volatile chemicals such as fragrance, solvents and vehicle fumes, my eyes burn, sting and get sore for days. They feel—and sometimes look—bruised. They dry out, which makes it uncomfortable to be in heated rooms, hot cars, and for sleeping at night. The only thing that helps bring relief is avoidance of chemical inhalants and the use of Bion Tears when the former is not possible. (Once I have an exposure, developing chronic dry eyes, I need to cut back on my outings. My eyes are like a parched river bed, desperately needing respite from the current climate. Those, and the facial pains, are my biggest warnings.)
Irritated, dry eyes can be a symptom of upper respiratory system irritation. Burning eyes caused from inhaling fragrance chemicals, vehicle exhaust and other inhalants can be symptomatic of chemical sensitivity. And fragrance ingredients are known irritants among renowned Allergists, Immunologists and Doctors of Environmental Medicine!
So for me, when I get sore eyes, it’s beyond painful, and I’ll try anything (almost); and obviously, I am. My nifty little nebuliser came off Ebay, of all places. It cost around $20, was made in China and looks and feels like a cheap plastic toy (hard plastic!). Surprisingly, it works. The Glutathione tablets, which I bought from Theranaturals, cost twice more than the machine, itself. I don’t like nebulising because it irritates the lining of my nose; consequently, I use only half a capsule, trying to build up to a whole capsule. Note: I only practice this technique after a chemical exposure when my upper respiratory system has taken a hit. The rest of the time I take the tablets because it’s easier and far less uncomfortable (People have told me that the body can’t absorb it this way.)
The jury in my mind is still out: we haven’t decided whether these methods, particularly the nebulisation of glutathione, are working or not. You see, when I’m in a room with people wearing a lot of fragrance, even when I’m wearing my hideous mask, my eyes sting, burn and feel as thought there’s fragrance in them; after a while I can also taste it, and my nostrils begin to burn, and that’s when I know I’m about to get really sick: massive throbbing headache, sore neck, and lately, swollen glands. For days. And then there’s the tiredness, which lasts longer now also. So, yeah, I’ll try just about anything. And yeah, I’ve been snorting Glutathione, hardcore. But only when I get sick.
Could it be that the mist helps clear my eyes or it could be the Glutathione?
I want it to be the glutathione. I want my NO/ONOO cycle to be totally interrupted. I want out of The Labyrinth…
More on Nebulisers
Omron make a nebuliser recommended for use with Buffered Glutathione. However, I’m not sure the plastic tubing would be suitable for use by some chemically sensitive people. Omron NE-C801 Lightweight or NE-C30 Compact Portable or NE-U22V Ultra Compact Portable. As I’ve mentioned, mine came of Ebay: Ultrasonic Nebuliser. I wasn’t about to spend hundreds on something that may or may not work—as I have in the past on many things just trying to nip this illness in the ass!
Uses: lungs, brain, eyes, liver, skin, joint, detox and methylation, antioxidant, COPD, CFS, CF, free radical scavenger, hemoglobin
You can see my Ultrasonic Nebuliser, here
More Natural Ways We Can Increase Glutathione:
Eat Turmeric
If you can tolerate turmeric, and can’t get out to access medical care, this just may be the best way for you to increase glutathione. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of doing what we can…
Possibly the best and most natural way to increase glutathione is to eat turmeric. I use fresh (organic when I can get it) turmeric, lightly sautéed in coconut oil, which I add to sauces, soups, steamed veggies. Or I cook up batches, slurping it into small glass bowls to freeze and use later (I use Glasslock because they’re PBA free and the lids don’t reek of petrochemicals (like the lids on brands such as Pyrex (which are not PBA free), whose fumes irritated my airways so much, I threw them out!)). The curcumin in turmeric has been shown to stimulate glutathione production (and it can help with sore joints [think Fibromyalgia and Arthritis type symptoms]; and, in fact, due to the results shown in recent peer-reviewed studies, even one of my specialists recently suggested I try to eat more of it (for the immune system benefits! And sore joints, I was experiencing, last year…). So, yeah, I put it in everything that gets cooked around here: just about everything we eat is a lovely mustardy, tumericy yellow colour!
Tumeric Sauce
Here is my recipe for Tumeric Sauce (if you’ve not heard of this wild, crazy sauce as yet, that’s because I just created it!).
Gather This:
Tumeric root (or dried tumeric powder will do. Avoid mould effected: shrivelled and wrinkly batches)
1 TBSPN Coconut oil (or other suitable oil)
Juice of 1 Lemon
Half an avocado
Sea salt
Fresh herbs if you like (I use parsley and thyme)
Do This:
Mix all ingredients in a blender. Then saute lightly for 10 mins while stirring.
Curcumin is also available in tablet and capsule form. I’m hooked on the brand Thorne for most of my supplements. I’ve not had any digestive issues with any of their products to date; although, I’ve not tried their curcumin because I’m sure I’m getting enough glutathione as it is. (Note: some vets even recommend these be given to pets who suffer with sore joints. )
Intravenous Glutathione
Okay, now for the heavy stuff:
IV vitamin and mineral supplements can consist of glutathione, magnesium and B12. I’ve heard of people with chemical sensitivity and/or chronic fatigue having this done. (I do shots of B12; more on that another time.) With the resources and practice, it can be done at home. Kathryn Treat used to do this at home and swore that it helped assist her in recovery (She made remarkable progress; I’m so glad she left us with the gift of her book! I seriously miss her.) She’s documented the process in the book, Allergic to Life.
Doctor List One: An Australian clinic has physicians who offer IV treatments: The NIIM clinic. It’s going to cost money, though; but at least you’ll be comfortable (ask them to kindly not to emit essential oils in the building on the day of your treatment. (I’ve not been there for 2 years, but they did do this for me when I asked. Also, I waited outside until I was called, having gave my cellphone number to reception.)):
“NIIM emphasises a comfortable and welcoming environment in the IV and Chelation Clinic to create a tranquil and enjoyable experience. Patients are provided with plush seating, audio and visual entertainment, reading material, wi-fi internet access, and refreshments.”
Doctor List Two: And, possibly more convenient for you, there are other doctors who do this scattered all over Australia. You can find them on ACNEM’s full list, here. Click here for ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA, New Zealand, and South East Asia
So yeah, the IV treatment (from a doctor on the second list) is what I’ll try next (if my health doesn’t get better over the next year or so, but of course it will!); however, first I have a house to start building. Want to help me start? Buy my Book, please. More on the build coming up—I promise!
But Wait, There’s More
And this is what I’m not going to be doing to increase Glutathione: (I don’t want to use any search terms that Google may add to it’s algorithmic listings that may or may not magnetise perverts towards the sanctuary of the-labyrinth, so, click this, here, clickbait for more.) There’s no research that I can find that supports or warrants further investigation of this particular method (although, Sherry Rogers, a nutritionist, wrote about it in chapter II of her book, Detoxify or Die and in Wellness Against All Odds. She has written extensively about it; and you can read more about this scientifically outdated (in 2002 she wrote this) method, here. For more about this, go here. You can watch a YouTube clip about it, here. (Ergo, if you are more interested in detoxing as opposed to following the Pall/Ziem Protocol, then go here.).)
And to finish off, in the words of Sherry Rogers:
“You and your doctor have been screwed into believing every symptom is a deficiency of some drug or surgery. You’ve been led to believe you have no control, when in truth you’re the one who must take control. Unfortunately, the modus operandi in medicine is to find a drug to turn off the damaged part that is producing symptoms.”
― Sherry A. Rogers, Detoxify or Die“
Drug or supplement, if it switches it off, who wouldn’t want to take it?
Further Research on Nebulizng and Glutathione
Evidenced-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Neural Sensitisation: Three Vicious Cycles
The Environmental Illness Resource: What is the best way to raise Glutathione levels?
Brands I use
Deluxe Scavengers from IHerb (they’ve changed the ingredients so this same one is not available right now)
Glutathione, Thorne Brand from iHerb
Buffered Glutathione from Theranaturals
More from The Labyrinth
The Labyrinth: Perfume and Histamine
The Labyrinth: Nebulising Glutathione
Further Research on Chemicals and Consequences of Inhalant Irritants
PubMed: Citral a fragrance allergen and irritant
PubMed: Irritative effects of fumes and aerosols of bitumen on the airways: results of a cross-shift study
J Elberling: A twin study of perfume-related respiratory symptoms
J Elberling: Increased release of histamine in patients with respiratory symptoms related to perfume
The Scientific Committee On Cosmetic Products And Non-Food Products Intended For Consumers. Concerning: Fragrance Chemicals In Detergents And Other Household Products
PubMed: Review of the Upper Airway, Including Olfaction, as Mediator of Symptoms (Note: this could be why Gupta works on those areas for a few people? Input Welcome! Feel free to get on the SoapBox, below… )
And, furthermore; and just so you know :
“Unfortunately, scientists have NOT determined precisely how inhaling perfume chemicals can cause respiratory distress (Eberling 2004; Schnuch 2010) or how exposures to traces of a fragrance can trigger contact allergy (EC 1999). They are trying to establish whether reactions are triggered by scent chemicals themselves (Lastbom 2003), their oxidation products (Christensson 2009) or other ingredients such as phthalates, which are strongly associated with asthma and other reactive airway symptoms (Bornehag 2010; Mendel 2007).”
Read More… Not So Sexy: The Health Risks in Secret Chemicals in Fragrance
All Photography copyright © Michellina van Loder 2015. Except for Nose, and Eye photos sourced from
Now Heather mentions it, I did have some stomach upset from the sprouts at first and needed to reduce the quantity per serving. A friends practitioner says the antioxidant effect from broccoli sprouts lasts for 8 hours, so little and often is probably best anyway. I bought the same brand as Heather. If you get seeds to sprout your own, keep in mind that unsprouted broccoli seeds are apparently toxic.
I’m going to try some from here: I also like the idea of growing my own organic food. I had a batch of sprouts lentils that made me sick from mould, so now I make sure not to leave them out of the fridge for too long. I wanted to sprout them until they were green with longish shoots but now have to make do with little white sprouts. I’m so sensitive to mould and I’m finding the more I avoid eating it, the better i am with other chemicals. I use a jar to sprout in that I got from Green Harvest.
“Broccoli Seed for Sprouting
Brassica oleracea var. italica
This sprout has a distinctive broccoli taste which is quite hot and strong; it is also highly nutritious. The tender leaves are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E; minerals such as potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, sulphur; enzymes, protein (35%) and chlorophyll. It is believed to stimulate the immune system and have a tonic effect. It can be sprouted in a jar or dome sprouter. Try to avoid sprouting broccoli during very hot weather; a germination temperature between 16 – 28°C works best. Broccoli seed is also available for growing.” From this page:
It is also said that broccoli sprouts (often sold in powdered form) help increase Glutathione production. I have been taking 1 to 3 teaspoons of powder a day for a couple of months and they seem to do some good at least. I sometimes have it with tumeric which I also find good. I sometimes have just one or the other and it seems that both are good in diferent ways.
I’ll look into broccoli sprouts. I’d much rather sprout them myself, though; I’m sprouting lentils at the moment. Dr Grace Ziem recommends eating sprouts for nutritional benefits. But it’s great to know about the glutathione aspect in broccoli sprouts. Thank you
I bought sprout powder from these guys, hope sending you the link is ok, but I can’t take it, affects my stomach too much, even in smoothies. I want to do some broccoli microgreens.
Gee that stuff looks healthy! Yes, I love it when people post links or share information. I think a lot of my visitors arrive here via googling how to get help for MCS. I’m loving the microgreens! Thanks
Hey, it’s great to know about golden paste. What a lovely name?I’ve not been to good with black pepper in the past due to sinus inflamation caused by chemical exposure (mostly mould, fragrances, solvents) inhalation but also ingestion of aromatic foods. However,it’s been nearly two years since I’ve tested it or tried it,which means I’m due to attempt black pepper–God I used to love it on tomatoes! My sinus troubles have eased off exceedingly so; I can even cook chicken in the wok, now, and I’m pleased with this progress. You wouldn’t think oil at high temp could be such a painful problem, but it was. (I’m still cooking (frying, toasting) outside, though. I make my tumeric sauce inside, though, using a Thermomix. And I can do soups and steaming inside.
I love it when we can get our *dietry supplements from food. I bet a lot of people take the cucumin capsules. (Anyway you can get it, I say!) but I didn’t know about the absorbtion process! So for me to be cooking it in coconut oil and avocado must be synchronic intuition. Or good luck…
Thank you so much for sharing this information, it’s really helpful. I know others will find so, too!
My pleasure Miche, you share so much with us, it’s nice to give some back for a change
Reading through your article (and I’m not a fan of supplements in general, too many variables involved to count; Purity, manufacturing processes, added chemicals, other ingredients, sourcing etc etc etc) and I come across sulfates, I have problems with those, and I can’t handle glutamate either so glutathione is probably not a good idea for me, plus, ALL those pill bottles (I’m TERRIBLE at taking pills, have trouble swallowing them and remembering to take them). THEN, I come across the T word and my spirits soared. Turmeric I can do, in fact I’m a member of a fab Turmeric group on FB and have been learning LOADS of things and taking Golden paste every day, as well as adding Turmeric to nearly every thing I cook for well over a year now. Probably overdoing it. Here’s the skinny on the big T….
Curcumin isn’t water soluble so it needs a good oil, like coconut or EVOO in order to be absorbed by the body, it also needs to be heated (Not too hot) so cooking with it is fine, and the piperine in freshly ground black pepper increases the bioavailability of the curcumin in the body. Turmeric powder of between 3% to 7% curcumin content is fine as long as you are taking it with the oil and pepper.
To achieve any medicinal benefit from fresh Turmeric you would have to eat a bucket-load of it, so the powder is best, but you need to buy one where they can give you the curcumin percentage, the supermarket spice just won’t cut it and a lot of them have had the cucumin removed anyway.
Curcumin capsules contain around 95% curcumin which is way too much as each capsule contains around 500mg or more, and the usual recommended dose is 2 to 4 a day. Research has shown that taking more than 500mg a day of curcumin can cause liver and DNA damage.
The capsules do not contain oil or piperine (some do have added piperine but the viability of piperine is not long) so the curcumin will be pretty much flushed through the system and do not much good and possibly harm your organs in the process.
I see a lot of health drinks online with Turmeric, usually in hot water with lemon and honey, and these drinks are virtually useless as they do not contain oil or pepper.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know all that and to tell you that I hope it all works for you and that you get a good result with all the effort and money you have invested in this treatment regimen.
The Vitamin IV made me think of Dr MacFarlane in Brisbane in the 80’s, she did amazing work with CFS patients and that was one of her treatment protocols, she was an amazing lady and helped so many, until the powers that be had her struck off because she was costing them too much by Bulk Billing everything. She was a CFS pioneer really.
Long comment, thanks for reading, cheers
I’ve taken glutathione and it was successful for a while but I found that it was too strong and was probably responsible for detoxing free copper too quickly, which threw off my zinc/copper ratio. I’ve switched back to taurine and am satisfied. Have you had a zinc/copper panel before?
No, have you? I take zinc tablets and I get copper via my diet. Where does free copper come from?
I am referring to a blood test of Ceruloplasmin (liver protein to transport copper), serum copper and plasma zinc. Copper bound to ceruloplasmin is good. Unbound (free) copper is bad. Zinc/copper ratio needs to be between 1.0-1.3. I do not recommend copper supps. A liver glandular will raise copper. Glutathione lowers it but if it falls too quickly, the zinc/copper ratio can become unbalanced. I believe high unbound copper plays a key role in chemical sensitivity issues.
Thanks, I’ve made a note of that test for when I can go to a Dr of Environmental medicine I’ve found nearby. My plan is to continue tweaking this regime myself then get it tweaked precisely after testing. I’m taking zinc as part of Ziem’s protocol but not copper as I get that from dark chocolate and avocados, but it’s good to know about the zinc/copper ratio because I had no idea!