This is a showcase of some of my published work. There are pieces here that were created before I even dreamed of studying to become a professional writer. However, most of these are a by-product of love: my time spent diligently studying the TAFE Professional Writing and Editing (PWE) course at Victoria University (VU), which I completed in 2014! This year, I’m taking some time off from study so I can concentrate on building our non-toxic home, and publishing a book about it. In 2016, I plan to enrol in an Arts Degree back at VU, with the aim of studying Literature, Poetry and Gender.
(If you would like to employ my services as a reviewer, writer, blogger, copywriter or web-designer feel free to make contact with me.)
2014: AESSRA‘s, Sensitivity Matters, Author Interview with Kathryn Treat, ‘New Beginnings—No Turning Back’, December issue, (P 14)
2014: Completed my Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing at Victoria University
2014: Copywriter and WebDesigner for Adam Muaren @ KangAdo Carports in Melbourne
About KangAdo Carports
KangAdo Carports was founded by Adam Muaren in September of 2013, and since then, Kangado Carports have been installed in homes and businesses from the Dandenong Ranges to Sunshine to the Surf Coast. Our customers sit back and relax knowing that KangAdo Carports, pergolas, patios, canopies and awnings have them covered: rain, hail or shine!
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits: taking care of them in Australia is the first in the Miniature for Life Series, published by Labyrinth Press. This book shows the reader how to raise Netherland Dwarf rabbits in an Australian climate while demonstrating what it is we need to feed, house and take care of them. In the style of photographer Anne Geddes, Mischa van Loder has created full colour photos of adorable Netherland Dwarf rabbits in coffee cups, herb baskets, wheelbarrows and more.
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits: taking care of them in Australia is also available at Smashwords
On Friday, 30 May 2014, come and join the lively discussion and debate by renowned children’s authors, and specialists interested in supporting children’s literacy. This is an all-day event, broken up into 45 minute time slots where you will be informed and inspired with the latest news and ideas delivered by some of the best in the industry.
Here, you can purchase farm fresh, direct from dedicated and ethical growers, Lisa and David Tatman, who produce Australian Certified Organic (ACO), vegetables: pumpkins, squash, spaghetti squash, silverbeet, kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and parsley, buk choy (which is baby bok choy), celeriac, dill, celery, turnips, swedes, brussels sprouts, heirloom varieties of carrots (white, yellow and purple), and beetroots (pink, orange and red) and much more—many are grown from heirloom seed (and that’s just winter’s bounty!) If you are quick, you can still get your hands on some of their scrumptious spaghetti squash.
For the people who knew Tracey, she will be sadly missed; however, there are also many others who have been touched by her passing: the residents of St Kilda, the wider community and people the world over. All women, no matter their occupation, deserve to be safe while out on the street. Come, take a stand against violence, and join others who say ‘no’ to crimes against women.
Walkers will trek along a loop that follows beside the Tomahawk creek both up and down stream. At times, the path narrows, propelling you into the sights and smells of the surrounding trees, ferns and bushes along the journey. Inhale invigorating scents of the forest flaura as your lungs expand with the crispness of winter. Immerse yourself in nature’s tranquility, only broken by the morning song of Crimson Rossellas as you walk the winding paths that cut through Kurth Kiln. Take in the spectacular creek views, set under a sky that changes its hue with the weather. This place is truly amazing!
St Leonards is a seaside town on the Bellarine Peninsula. Cruising down the freeway, past Geelong, it’s a pleasant ninety-minute drive from Melbourne. During summer, the population swells up to five times its modicum size of just two thousand. Yet, during winter, it’s the perfect place for a quiet day-trip getaway.
Not only will you have access to pristine coastal air, the rare, untouched coastal woodlands and the gorgeous coastline of Edwards Point, but after immersing yourself in nature, there will be morning tea just waiting for you on your return.
Listen to the soothing, bubbling brooks of the Marybynong River as water flows downstream, cascading over moss-covered rocks. Feel dappled winter sun on your skin as you walk under old River Redgums with branches shaped, twisting out across the riverbed. Relax, shed your worries away as you inhale the earthy dampness of winter’s fresh morning air, and feel a meditative mood as you notice nature mirrored back at you, reflected in still waters.
2008: Founded ‘eco aware’ ecologically minded products: Zeolite, LipBalm, Soaps, FaceMasks (the skincare kind) and Toothpowder: all unscented and naturally natural
2005 – 2009: Certificate II and III in Business Administration, and part of Certificate IV including the modules: ‘Build a Business Website, and ‘Maintain a Business Website’, using programs such as Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Photoshop
Michellina Van Loder is a Professional Writer, Journalist, Web Designer and Blogger at Labyrinth Press where she shares her and others tales about trail blazing the way out of the Labyrinth of Chemical Sensitivities and Mould, here, down under in Australia. Oh, and we share the latest news, resources, research, and opinion on MCS, EHS, CIRS and related.