MCS Aware, in the UK, have a page offering resources, brochures and information for people with Environmental illness/MCS. IF you would like to check them out, click here.
More from MCS Aware:
“We have a huge variety of free helpsheets, leaflets and other resources available to explain chemical, electro and food sensitivities to friends, family and health practitioners. You can download a free magazine here. Support group members can also receive the full range of information by email or on chlorine-free paper by post worldwide, just email us. For more information about the support group click here“
I quite like the ‘How to Go Fragrance Free‘ brochure. I just may try giving this out next time I need someone to go free from wearing fragrance rather than explaining my situation; it grows exhausting after a few epic fails.
Nah, just kidding! Epic fail or not, I won’t give up practising my Public Relation (PR) skills when it comes to this important issue. For me, and you… Don’t forget, we learn from our mistakes.