Perfect Functional Food?!
This latest report suggest that Stewed Apple is the Perfect Functional Food for helping heal the gut. I received this information from Dr Mark Donohoe in NSW, Australia, and now pass it on to you too. It’s the only treatment I’m trying at the moment because I’ve stopped taking everything including all supplements and probiotics because they make me ill. I am waiting for a new probiotic (from the same family Probiotic 45 that I took in 2012 to heal my malfunctioning gut. Apart from eggs, I don’t have food allergies, but there’s a heap of foods that I can’t tolerate. These make sensitivities to chemicals worse, especially mould exposure via food.
So this is what I’m doing: Eating one and half stewed apples in cinnamon and water; I do this once a day. I, or Dan mostly, cooks this outside on the hot plate for ages. The aromatic compound of cinnamon would inflame my head and sinus area if we did it in the house. Usually, if I eat cinnamon, my nose and face area hurt, sometimes throbbing if I’ve had mould exposure. But when it’s cooked for so long outside the cinnamon fades right into apples; it’s actually really yummy; ergo eating only a small amount seems stupid when I just want eat until I’m satisfied. But it’s just this one treatment that I’m trying at the moment so I’m trying to follow it to the letter. i.e., not eat the whole weeks worth as one meal! LOL.
Yes, I know, cooking fruit seems sacrilegious, right?
More from a proposal by Michael Ash BSc(Hons) DO, ND, F.DipION:
“Functional and pathological digestive tract conditions reflect a change in the relationship between the host microbiota and the mucosal immune and nervous system. These result in a wide range of distressing symptoms for which there are a variety of strategies, but no single intervention of consistent benefit. A component of patient care we sometimes overlook is that of the application of therapeutically relevant foods. For over 20 years I have been using a tried and tested formula that contemporary scientific research is now explaining why it has proven so effective for many patients. What do I mean by effective? – Changes in inflammatory markers, reduced need for anti-inflammatory medication, better gastrointestinal function, weight loss, mood uplift and change in colonic and small intestinal flora ratios with improved digestive and eliminative function fit the bill for me. In part these changes in symptoms are due to changes in dendritic cell (DC) regulatory function and increased oral tolerance which I hypothesise is due to increased regulatory T cell (Treg) promotion in the periphery especially in the GI Tract. This immune modulating food combination may be eaten for breakfast and dinner or as a meal substitute (no more than 1 substitution per day for many days) and as a quick and soothing snack.
Reactivity to Apples
I accept that there are patients that display reactivity to apples – the principle ingredient of this meal- and in part this is due to cross reactivity with birch pollen or latex allergy, and for others it relates to lipid transfer protein reactivity. For them, exchanging the apples for pears with all the other ingredients may offer a satisfactory alternative.”
Here is the full document:
Functional Medicine @ Vitality Hub, Victoria, Australia: Gut Health
I just listened to a masterclass on the vagus nerve with Dr Kan and one of his speakers suggested the stewed apple for the gut – even a teaspoon a day if you can tolerate. I’ve heard of it before too and know Dr D, someone told me that its important to eat good fats with sugars so I add a little ghee to the stewed apple… its a delight.
Oh wonderful. Thanks for your input