There’s some delightfully helpful information by Australia’s own, the Amazing Amelia Hill, over at the website Amelia Hill. It details exactly how to go about getting a Mitochondrial Function Profile (or other tests regarding DNA Adducts, Metallothionen, Lymphocyte Sensitivity, GST Profile and Toxic Effects on Metabolic Activity) done in relation to treating people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), it’s titled, ‘How to Send a Blood Sample from Australia to the UK for the Mitochondrial Function Profile (Via Dr Sarah Myhill or Direct to Acumen Lab)’.
More from Amelia Hill:
“One test in particular, the MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION PROFILE (also known as ATP PROFILE) … a test put on the map by UK, CFS doctor, Dr Sarah Myhill, has attracted a LOT of interest from health seekers all over the Globe. But … sending blood samples all that way? I mean, where do you start? Well, Friends, you came to the right place!
One year ago, I undertook the Mitochondrial Function Profile, via Dr Myhill and just a few weeks ago, undertook another five tests available via Acumen Lab (DNA Adducts, Metallothionen, Lymphocyte Sensitivity, GST Profile & Toxic Effects on Metabolic Activity). So, to ‘PAY IT FORWARD‘, I decided to share a lil’ ‘HOW-TO GUIDE’ to getting it done”
You can read more here
And, thank you for sharing, Amelia. Bright smiles and [hugs] to you!

Thanks for sharing this post with your community, Michellina! I know how overwhelming a task it can be to send blood samples overseas for testing.. I hope my experience helps others in the same boat! Hugs x