Hydrotherm arrive for part I of the hydronic heating fit-out at the Build an Eco-Friendly, Allergy-free House project
Hydrotherm Hydronic Heating crew came out to the Build And Eco-Friendly, Allergy-Free House (BEAH) project to do stage I of the fit-out for our radiant heating system: All 2 floors. Everything had been planned with the usual military precision and attention to detail: two day busy days!
(And to top it off, we had Jacob Maggs, our masterfully-EMF aware electrician on the site working his magic, re-jigging wires, lowering the electromagnetic fields to-be around the bedroom (that’s another post in itself. I do not have EHS (Electromagnetic Sensitivity), however, I’ve included research on building to low EMF standards in my book, Freedom: an Eco-friendly, Allergy-free Home… While also taking precautions with the BEAH project.
For now, go to EI Wellspring for the safest information on building low-EMF style.))
The Hydrotherm crew arrived like a bunch of scent-free superheroes: no fragrance; no sprays.
Hydrotherm had specified my medical condition’s needs in the actual quote so everyone on the job new about it. Along with AESSRA ‘How to be Fragrance-free’ brochures, I supplied spray cans of ‘QV Naked’ spray deodorant (with the choice of aluminium or not) or a roll on, one for each crew member. (Hot tip: for tradies who leave it there, put their initials on the lid) I like it when workers take it home with them, like a gift. It’s a lovely thought knowing you may have changed someones preferences from chemical irritants, like fragrance, to less-toxic products.
As an example, here’s what I got in writing from one of the managers via email:
“We are happy to comply with all of your needs regarding your respiratory system. As discussed, we are happy to use silicone provided by yourself. We would anticipate a maximum of 6 tubes needed but that would be dependent on the type of joists used.”
With this on our final quote:
Written on our quote, after explaining my ‘allergies’ to fragrance
We had 6 tubes of Selley’s 3 in 1 silicone (lasts up to 5 years) ready for on the day; however, we have been changing the silicone on any external areas to Sikaflex, then going over it with mortar, due to the need to have all external holes in the building watertight as possible. (The Selley’s tested safe for breathing, the Sikaflex, not. However, it’s used on the external part of the building so should be fine.)
The Hydrotherm guys were obsessionally organised, which I found pleasantly unusual in the Wild West of the tradie world… It’s great that they travel out to wherever you are (Two and half hours away in our case). And did I say they clean up after themselves?
Hydrotherm bought over clean drop sheets to keep the house free of allergens and! worked in their socks, except for the heavy work!
Hydronic Heating as a Source of Warmth for the Chemically-Sensitive Patient
My treating specialist, the renowned Allergist and Immunologist, Dr Colin Little, in Mt. Waverly, Victoria, Australia, has a lovely, warm clinic with hydronic heating panels installed. This is where I very first discovered them back in 2004 when first diagnosed with inhalant allergies to chemicals.
They have a fragrance free policy there so it’s actually a comfy place, where you can relax waiting for your appointment, especially when it’s cold outside, and still be able to breathe comfortably.
Fragrance Free Door Sign: Dr Little’s Rooms: 324 Stephensons Rd Mount Waverley, VIC 3149
One of the information sheets he gave me when I tested positive to burnt gas, said: “Hydronic Heating, coil or panels”, are the safest heating option for those sensitive to chemicals or with respiratory illness!
Of course, being a renter, I’d struggled with heating for years. As we all often do.
All of the rentals I’ve stayed in over the last 10 years, I could use the air-conditioning but I struggled to find a heater that didn’t hurt to breathe around, failing with:
oil column heaters (the enamel or plastic dials); in an old one once, it was the oil itself that was a problem;
convection panel (burnt dust);
the Nobo convection heater (well famed in MCS circles) (perhaps I had the wrong model but something inside burnt fumes making me ill for years each time I tried it. No smell just chemicals burning off, it was like the layer that it comes with they recommend you burn off for 24 hours first);
And, the worst, I tried the old-school coil heaters that burn dust continually
…burning dust was an awful problem for me, setting of Alodynia on the left side of my face, so painful..
For years I struggled with the only two types of heating I could use: the split system (so long as it was newish with clean filters (no apple caichen (scented) technology (‘ambient scenting’ from Kensington or Fuji (Note: Fuji’s come in a foil packet and are optional to install.) on low heat so as not to cause outgassing in the foil-covered rental; however, I’ve also found air conditioners to often go mouldy (hence the scented filters they try to sell unsuspecting customers); last, and what I’m left with at the moment: the small Arlec air heaters, replaced each year as they collect dust in the fans.
It was a nightmare thinking back on it; and I don’t know why anyone with an illness related to chemical sensitivity, asthma or any respiratory disorder wouldn’t choose hydronic heating, given the opportunity.
“It’s not as expensive as you might think; and if you go with the right company, like Hydrotherm, you’ll get a great price.” ~ Michellina van Loder
I’ve spent many winters in pain from various heaters outgassing noxious chemicals to which testing shows I’m sensitive to, causing my sinuses to feel like they’re screaming in pain; yet not wanting to turn the heating off due to ice-cold Melbourne nights, I’d put up with it. (I’m also sensitive to breathing cold air: my sinuses and that old pain in my head that gets set off from mould exposure. You know it’s freezing here, on the coast of Victoria, Australia, right?)
Medical ‘Allergy Sublingual’ type testing showed:
‘burnt gas’, from gas heating and cooking;
‘formaldehyde’ often found in new heaters, paints that are not powder-coated
formaldehyde found in PM2.5 particles in wood-smoke, sometimes from burning off or most likely, wood-fire heaters polluting the outside air making its way, rudely, inside.
What is Hydronic Heating, Exactly?
From Bosche:
Hydronic heating is a method of heating utilising heated water to distribute warmth throughout a building. The benefits of hydronic heating Hydronic heating offers superior comfort, operational efficiency, and silent operation. It is also known to minimise the negative effects to allergy and asthma sufferers caused by the circulation of airborne particles, such as pollen and dust, that occur with alternative heating technologies employing blown air.
Why we Chose Hydronic Heating?
So I can see why the good doctor gives his allergic and chemically sensitive patients information sheets on Hydronic heating seeing it is the safest type of heating system for people who are immune compromised, have a chronic illness such as CIRS, MCS, ME, CFS, Asthma or any respiratory illness where irritants can impede on existing health conditions and diseases:
because the panels (or under floor coils) don’t collect dust, burning it when switched on, often inflaming airways;
clean air;
no VOCs gives the hydronic system the five-star advantage over all other heating systems;
they don’t exacerbate chronic illness like burning gas, twin-system air-conditioners—that can, and often are, mould contaminated—and hydronic heating doesn’t dry out the air or the eyes;
They can’t go mouldy or collect cellulose to make mould;
The heat dispensed from the panels is an ambient, warm heat, emanating from powder-coated panels. It cannot pick up unwanted scents or fragrances from visitors, like heaters than have air intake and outtake vents and filters do;
Even EI Wellspring, a reputable US source often used with confidence by downunders says:
“A hydronic system is one where water carries the heat and coolness, instead of using air. Hydronic heating is common in Canada, the northeast United States and Scandinavia. Such a system can be designed to be completely free of noise, moving air and EMF, but they are costly.
A boiler (which can be a regular water heater in some cases) heats up the water, which is pumped around by a small circulation pump. If desired, the boiler can be located in a shed outside the house, even away from the house. The boiler can then use either electricity or gas (propane or natural gas). If using gas, it is best to locate the shed down wind from the house.
The hot water coming into the house can either circulate through a slab floor (in-floor heat), through radiators, or go through a heat-exchanger mounted in a conventional forced-air system. When retrofitting an existing house, upgrading an existing forced-air system may be the most economical choice.
US Information on MCS Friendly Hydronic Heating
“A special type of radiator can both be used to heat and cool a room. Burnham Hydronics (1-888-432-8887) makes the Duo-Rad, which requires a fan to run continuously. Edwards Engineering (1-800-526-5201, www.edwards-eng.com) makes the very sleek looking Valance system, which does not require any fan at all. The author is not aware of any EI person who has actually used either of these two systems
If using radiators, make sure they have a baked-on powder coating. Painted enamel and simple cast iron radiators are apparently not well tolerated…”
If the House is an Eco-House with Passive-heating and Passive-cooling, does it really need Hydronic Heating?
Yes, but you need to be active in using it each day, it still fits in well with a passively heated and cooled house because on the colder, no-sun days, it will remain on 22c; and on sunny winter days, it may need to go on 12c to keep the house toasty warm. Of course the front of the house, the north is warmer due to its design but the southern ends of the house can get cold, freezing at night. I know, I’ve had to sleep there a few nights… By having a heating system I can afford to run, I can heat the whole house therefore lowering the risk of mould growing due to cold air in the form of moisture vapour [Think fog, mist, humidity levels!)
Michellina Van Loder is a Professional Writer, Journalist, Web Designer and Blogger at Labyrinth Press where she shares her and others tales about trail blazing the way out of the Labyrinth of Chemical Sensitivities and Mould, here, down under in Australia. Oh, and we share the latest news, resources, research, and opinion on MCS, EHS, CIRS and related.
About Michellina van Loder
Michellina Van Loder is a Professional Writer, Journalist, Web Designer and Blogger at Labyrinth Press where she shares her and others tales about trail blazing the way out of the Labyrinth of Chemical Sensitivities and Mould, here, down under in Australia. Oh, and we share the latest news, resources, research, and opinion on MCS, EHS, CIRS and related.
Reader Interactions
[…] we had tested for safety; but most of all, I needed the tradespeople to go fragrance-free (See first post on how to organise this.). Now, if that laundry list of wants is not long enough, we needed the […]
[…] when good health has been missing from your life for the good part of a decade and a half. In my last post I discussed how using hydronic heating is the only sure fire way to have a dust-free home. A […]
[…] we had tested for safety; but most of all, I needed the tradespeople to go fragrance-free (See first post on how to organise this.). Now, if that laundry list of wants is not long enough, we needed the […]