Just to assure my readers that any GoFundMe campaigns shared on this site are of people whom I either know personally or know through friends or shared medical specialists. I also know they are actually sick–with a similar condition or the same as mine. Most are chemically sensitive to some degree. But all of them need help to seek medical and or access assisted living devices, and in one case, they need legal intervention to stop from getting sicker.
As of today, all the campaigns have been removed from the sidebar because many sick people visit here and it might not be such a great idea to have them on all the pages.
So. This is a page with a purpose.
Michellina van loder
Please help us by donating or sharing. Sharing is caring. (By clicking on the GoFundMe image links you can share via social media or click the + button to print as a campaign poster.)
The following campaign written by Von is a friend of mind whom I met when she put my dog Rocky and I up when I went up her way for treatment with a specialist. She bravely blogs over at The Tangled Path.
I personally know Linda from one of my doctors. She tried the same thing I did by going up to Maroochydore for treatment. Her campaign was set up by her boyfriend. As I quit Facebook, I can only go by updates, but I can see via those, she’s still struggling like the rest of us.
And today, I have a new one from my good friend, Alison, a Counselor, who is being harassed and sprayed with chemicals by her neighbour. Alison has a small property that is all permaculture and has taken years to create as self-sustaining lifestyle with animals, trees, berries and farm animals. Her health and property are now being impacted greatly; and due to the fact there are no laws to protect people sensitive to chemicals, she is forced to take legal action. Please donate, share or pray for Alison.
Linda Sepp, over at Seriously Sensitive to Pollution, has a list of resources, including hundreds of links to reputable places where we can find helpful information on housing, food, Environmental health, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), fragrance information, human rights, medical and much much more. Click here to visit this wonderfully helpful resource.
Click here if you are in a position to make an offering based on your own needs. Please donate on Linda’s Dana page.
And of course the elephant on Labyrinth Press, my own GoFundMe, written by myself at the request of Tony Piccolo from AMWU where Dan, my partner, is Father of the Chapel. I’ll be writing updates on my GoFundMe, what we use the money for and, hopefully, my success, or not. (it’s at the end of this page)
I’ve been praying a lot lately; I’ve never been one for praying unless in a life and death situation of the moment. This is long term suffering and I’m doing my best to help myself, and others because ultimately that helps myself by allowing the feeling of taking action, creating change and, ultimately, my illness having purpose.
I pray for everyone on this page to reach their goals and more in life. Please pray too.
Thank you for sharing these stories and fighting for the people who are sensitive to fragrances and harmful synthetic chemicals. I too have the health affliction. I have been fired, bullied to quit, and refused employment because of my sensitivities to synthetic fragrances. I am currently unemployed and struggling to figure out how I am going to get the next job due to this reason. God Bless You.