After 16 years of suffering with inhalant allergies to chemical irritants, and getting sicker each winter, crashing completely (twice) in unsuitable rental housing with damp concrete, and another time, a leaking roof, that, when finally I did pay a visit to a Doctor of Integrative Medicine, that that doctor knew within an hour of speaking to me that I had CIRS,
Going to further lengths to order the MRI, the Neuroquant MRI, complete tests for HLA/DQ genes, my Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP),
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH), leptin levels, MaCRONS and other tests you can find examples of here at Toxic Mould Support Australia.
And. That CIRS was the cause of the challenges I’ve faced around chemical inhalants when exposed to biotoxic mould, which is all the time if it’s still in your body and each time you go into and old building or worse, water damaged, you’ve just gone backwards in your health.
You can read the Report on the Inquiry into Biotoxin-related Illnesses in Australia here It’s a real disease (as opposed to a ‘fake disease’ like Stephen Barret has tried to claim here, still not linking his listing of ‘CIRS’ because, err, science… and that science is here
For me, I am on oxygen, the MRI Neuroquant shows oedema x 7 and atrophy x 1 (using the updated version of the Neuroquant software) to areas of my brain; plus, a multitude of blood results that show conclusive evidence of Biotoxin Illness, CIRS.
I’m still suffering with Sensitivities to Multiple Chemical Irritants (MCS). And the allergy pills and pain pills from the local GP are nothing compared to the time and effort put in by these doctors for difficult illnesses—in my opinion. But I still take the pharmaceuticals; however, I have found Doctors of Integrative Medicine spend the time to look further as well as prescribe pills.
That appointment that cost $400; but my life and my health have been improving ever since diagnosis and treatment because I know what direction to go to get better. I now have a life outside of a foil lined room (like in that picture) That was my bedroom in 2012.
Please don’t take our doctors or treatments away.
Sure, the Shoemaker protocol/treatment is more expensive but it’s better than no treatment. My medication for CIRS from living in WDBs costs around $780 (500 gms Cholestyramine powder and 3 x 12 ml nasal spray bottles of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP), which lasts a month; but what choice do we, as patients, have? But rather than put our medications and treatments covered (once covered. Yes, Integrative care was covered by Medicare at one stage. Medicare system our doctors are being looked at as if they practice witchcraft!
How things change: The AMA position statement – complementary medicine – 2018
It’s all been brewing for a while:
Health Care Watchdog endorses concerns about integrative medicine by Friends of Science and Medicine (the self-proclaimed health care watchdogs, lol), in my opinion, have a taste for the stake burning of Integrative doctors. And this one, most recently, Australia gets ‘immunised’ against pseudoscience (note the use of alleged inflammatory use of language there?) Like they think that linking us to anti-vaxers will cast an ugly P.R. spell on our choice of medicine and doctors who prescribe it.
That’s just my story, how about yours? Has a Doctor of Integrative medicine helped you in relation to symptoms of chemical sensitivity or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)?
Have you put your Submission in yet? We have until the 30th of June.
Read more: Science, the Truth and the Ugly
Parliamentary Enquiry into CIRS: Report on the Inquiry into Biotoxin-related Illnesses
The Science on CIRS: Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
Alleged True and Ugly Intentions, and in my opinion: ‘Australia gets immunised against pseudoscience‘ a media release by ‘“Friends” of Science and Medicine’ (the part of the medical association that doesn’t like natural therapies, possible finding them a threat to pharmaceutical profits? Allegedly, most members are Oncologists.
MBA: Current Consultations: ‘Public consultation on complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments’ (330 KB,PDF), Word version
The AMA: Practising Complementary of Emerging Medicine
When the AMA published its updated Position Statement on Complementary Medicine last year, it elicited support from members for its clear support of evidence-based medicine. But it also drew comments from some members who were offended that the term ‘complementary’ medicine was used to include what they believe is legitimate and medically-indicated treatment. It also drew strong criticism from other members who argued the AMA should oppose any doctors practising complementary medicine.
[…] My diagnosis of CIRS cost $400 in doctors’ time going over past history, and following up with the ‘the mould panel’ testing for HLA genes and other markers of CIRS proving I get devastatingly sick from mould exposure in ordinary day to day life. It took 16 years to get a diagnosis. Those 16 years were spent under ridicule for getting sick from fragrances. People can be pathetic and petty and now the AMA want to add to that insult? […]