The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) have tried to rush through this proposal (we have to June 30 to lodge submissions.)
If you know one thing, know this, if you have a chronic illness and you’ve been helped by a Doctor of Environmental Medicine, you need to put in a submission (one paragraph is all you need) so that you and other people with illnesses such as MCS, CFS/ME, CIRS are able to continue with treatments that might no longer be recognised by mainstream medicine.
We all know of a GP who has suggested a natural therapy, right? You know, ‘First do no Harm’ and all that? Where is the harm if people are still receiving conventional medicine? Or just unconventional medicine if that is their choice?
My diagnosis of CIRS cost $400 in doctors’ time going over past history, and following up with the ‘the mould panel’ testing for HLA genes and other markers of CIRS proving I get devastatingly sick from mould exposure in ordinary day to day life. It took 16 years to get a diagnosis. Those 16 years were spent under ridicule for getting sick from fragrances. People can be pathetic and petty and now the AMA want to add to that insult?
People are suiciding because of the barriers and difficulties faced by those who get sick from chemicals aka MCS. In my opinion the MBA ignore people suffering from MCS or conditions with chemical sensitivity as a symptom. For some of us, these doctors are all we have.
More from TheFeed, SBS:
While some Australians have chosen to end their own lives rather than live with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Australia’s medical authorities continue to reject calls to recognise the condition as a disease.
It’s been suggested in comments that there’s a witch hunt on against doctors who use unconventional or alternative medicine alongside conventional medicine. It looks that way: it begs the question of who are the stake holders in all this?
So break out your ceramic neti-pots clearing that head of yours, and get your submission in before 30 June 2019 because:
The MBA proposal will have a ripple effect on all of our lives if nothing is done and it is allowed to succeed. Everyone will be negatively affected by the proposed changes of this consultation paper.
As patients, we need to let the MBA know that this is not on! There are enough of us to make our voices heard… Even from this world of isolation some of us live in.
There are many of us who have been helped greatly by doctors of Integrative Medicine. We all need to have our say on this matter.
- Convince the Medical Board of Australia by writing a submission to them and submitting it in a Word document.
For privacy reasons do not mention the doctor’s name or the practice name or location.
- Title your document: ‘Submission to MBA Consultation document on complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments‘
Cheat Sheet!
There seems to be a perception that integrative medicine is more risky than conservative medicine. Your story needs to show that, for you, integrative medicine has meant a better outcome. Short and detailed is better. One to two pages max. For privacy reasons do not mention the doctor’s name or the practice name or location.
In writing your health journey we recommend you include the following:
Title: Submission to MBA Consultation document on complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments.
Who are you? (age sex and email address is enough) What are your main long term health problems?
What treatment did you undertake before you found an integrative health practitioner?
Describe what changed in your treatment when you found an integrative health practitioner.
Describe the effects of that treatment, including side effects, and the impact on your physical and mental health. Emphasize the benefits for your family and friends.
Emphasize any positive qualities about the standard of care from the medical practitioner.
- Send a copy to yourself
- Length: Ideally, [one paragraph] maximum of two pages ONLY
- Submit: via email, directly to The Medical Board of Australia. The email address is
- Or Submit: For those who would like the convenience there is a form set up on this site that can be completed, with an option to attach a document, so that when you click submit it will go directly to the Medical Board of Australia.
Snail Mail: Executive Officer,
Medical Board of Australia, AHPRA,
GPO Box 9958
Melbourne VIC 3001
For privacy reasons do not mention the doctor’s name or the practice name or location.
For a more thorough list on how to do this, visit here
Quotes sourced from here at
The AMA position statement – complementary medicine – 2018
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