ASEHA (Allergy, Sensitivity & Environmental Health Association Qld Inc)
Template Letter for Applying for Low-Allergy in Queensland, Australia
Letter for Doctors and other support people to assist people into the right kind of housing
This should read:
- What is wrong
Mr/Ms……………suffers with allergy and/or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.
- What things affect them
He/she is sensitive to ………… (e.g. carpets formaldehyde, plasticisers, pesticides and other volatile organic compounds VOCs) and reacts adversely to these in his/her environment.
- How these affect them
These substances cause Mr/Ms………….. (e.g. severe respiratory problems such as asthma, allergy problems such as anaphylaxis on exposure to fragrances and neurological problems such as (eg migraine)…………………..
- Type of accommodation necessary
As the only known treatment for this problem is avoidance of exposure to substances that provoke reactions, Mr/Ms …………. needs to be housed in a detached, 2 bedroom dwelling with no (e.g. formaldehyde, plastics, pesticides, VOCs)………….. This is essential as exposure to synthetic chemicals in the bedroom will cause………………………
Mr/Ms ……………. should not be housed in a unit or town house as cleaning compounds, pesticides, synthetic chemicals and highly perfumed products routinely used by neighbours in his/her immediate vicinity will exacerbate his/her ……………. (eg migraines, asthma,provoke life threatening allergic reactions, respiratory, neurological problems) and unnecessarily compromise his/her life/health.
Sample letter:
Mrs Parker-Brown suffers with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). She is sensitive to formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, terpenes and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), motor exhausts, fragrances, cigarette smoke, pesticides and herbicides.She is also likely to react to most synthetic chemicals in her environment. These substances cause Mrs Parker-Brown intractable migraines, severe muscle spasms, throat swellings and stomach cramps.
As the only known treatment for MCS is avoidance, Mrs Parker-Brown’s accommodation needs are a detached, 2 bedroom dwelling with no levels of formaldehyde, VOCs, pesticides and synthetic chemicals. A second room is essential as exposure to synthetic chemicals in clothing and personal effects in her bedroom will provoke the above symptoms. She needs a room clear of anything that causes ill health to ensure proper rest and a place to recover from chemical exposures.
Mrs Parker-Brown should not be housed in a unit or town house as cleaning compounds, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic chemicals and highly perfumed products routinely used by most people in her immediate vicinity will cause severe symptoms which can damage her health and may threaten her life.It is also possible that ongoing exposure to cleaning compounds, cigarette smoke, pesticides and other chemicals used by neighbours may result in a reaction that will threaten her life or require emergency hospital care, a worsening of her chemical sensitivities and an overall deterioration in her general health
Yours sincerely
Dr Croak (pardon the pun)
If you are unsuccessful in achieving the required level of disability accommodation for your special needs, you have the right of appeal to the Queensland Department of Housing. If you are still unsuccessful following an appeal to the Queensland Department of Housing, you can lodge a complaint on the grounds of disability discrimination to the Queensland Anti Discrimination Commission, or the use the processes of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission and the Disability Discrimination Act.
- Queensland Anti Discrimination Commission free call 1300 130 670
- Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission. Complaints infoline 1300 656 419 or website:
More News from ASEHA
- Disability and Medical Issues For MCS and Allergy – Access to Housing
- Australian National Register of Environmental Sensitivities
- A Guide to Living with MCS
- Social and Medical Implications of Psychosomatic labelling of MCS patients
- Australian Hospital Guidelines For Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
- Aeroallergen/Irritants and Asthma
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