Hello! I’ve not been around this blog much due to having an awful winter where I lost tolerance to a lot of my safe foods (and as I’ve just discovered via testing with my Allergist and Immunologist, this was due to the mould, Pullaria). I’ve spent most of my time holding onto the furniture while feeling as if I am spinning uncontrollably out of control. Not fun. Woodsmoke coupled with food reactions to the most benign foods (bananas, dates and even broccoli) have made my life miserable these last few months. However, now the weather’s cleared up, and we are so close to starting our build, I’m feeling much better… somewhat like my old self—only stronger, braver and excited to be back!
And, I’ve made a YouTube clip for you all:
This video is about How to Wear a 3M Filter Mask to protect your health from chemical irritants such as fragrance, solvents and petrochemicals used in perfumes and spray deodorants and ‘air-fresheners’. I talk about how to seal it and (somewhat) disguise it so that (some) people are less likely to tease you and pay out on you when you go out in a public space. Also, I speak about what happens when I go into a bank while wearing this over my face.
I seal the mask with the scarf because if I laugh, smile or move my face to much, fragrance and other chemical irritants get inside via the sides of the mask when it lifts off my face; so by using the scarf I can create a better seal. So far, I’ve managed to avoid having to use a heavy-duty, cumbersome silicone (or TPE or rubber) mask when I go into public spaces.
Another benefit of the scarf is it extends the life of the 3M carbon filter mask because the fabric of the scarf collects a layer of air-borne fragrance and chemical particles before the carbon saturates. I always air my scarves as soon as I can then wash them before using them.
(We all share the air! Please don’t wear fragrance when you go out into a shared public space. It’s the chemicals contained in the majority of these personal care products that impact on other people’s health; and, it’s the chemicals NOT the smell that’s the problem here.)
The mask is a 3M Nuisance mask and I bought mine from AESSRA http://aessra.org
If you are in Australia (or want to shop here), you can find a snood scarf just like the one I used in the video at Bhumi Organic Cotton. (this link has been updated.)
Do you have any tricks for getting a good seal on your mask that you’d like to share with us today?
More from Maskology
Do it Yourself: Air Filtering Mask
The artist's room says
Hi Michellina, thank you for your interesting post. How did you manage to discover the exact substance that has being causing this loss of tolerance during the last months? I’ve been experiencing the same thing for five months now and I’m loosing all my safe foods as well.
Michellina van Loder says
Hi Thank you for reading. I’m sorry you have been experiencing the same thing. It’s horrid when we lose foods! Your question inspired me to write a post about it. Titled: Pulloria Mould I hope this helps you. xo