Today, I came across this data collection group for people with environmental sensitivities:
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity prevalence rates in Australia
Prevalence rates and Impact of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Australia
By Dr Sharyn Martin, 2015
Prevalence rates of between 1.0 and 2.9% have been estimated for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in the states of South Australia and New South Wales, Australia, Table 1.
Prevalence of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
The largest survey at over 15,000 individuals was in NSW where 2.9% of the population had been diagnosed with MCS. This was similar to a rate of 2.6% established in a smaller survey in NSW to determine health effects from a smoke stack. A survey of over 5,000 parents in NSW determined that 2.5% of 2 to 15 year olds had been diagnosed with MCS and is similar to the percentage seen for adults. In the South Australian study (Fitzgerald D., 2008) 1.0% of those surveyed had been diagnosed with MCS lower than the rates seen in the three NSW surveys. Fitzgerald noted that as there are no diagnostic guidelines for MCS in Australia, it is possible that 1% prevalence is due to under reporting of some of the chemical hypersensitivity individuals. Some chemical hypersensitivity individuals had symptomology more aligned with the MCS cases and could represent undiagnosed MCS.
The following is a form that can be filled out by people who have sensitivities to chemicals or electricity:
“By completing this form you are assisting in the collection of the numbers of individuals in Australia who are suffering with the disability that Environmental Sensitivities conditions such as MCS, EHS, CFS, Lyme disease and so forth incur in their lives. Your information will be kept private and secure. If you leave an email address your registration information will be included in a confirmation email.
The data collected will provide the background evidence needed to highlight that actions are needed to alleviate the suffering many individuals endure.”
Click here to fill out the form
The following are the aims of the ANRES project:
- Be a place where individuals with Environmental Sensitivities (ES) or their carers can register their Environmental Sensitivity and add to the numbers. There will be no fees involved and an automatic number instead of name will be generated to maintain privacy
- Be a place where support groups can register their support, linking in with other groups,
- Be a place where medical practitioners can register their support for people with ES.
The ANRES project goal is to create a national register that provides Australian prevalence data on Environmental Sensitivities, to assist in gaining recognition of ES as a disability and facilitate moving forward with issues such as access to medical and disability services.
Data Collection
On the ANRES site there are three levels of data entry:
- Individuals or carers of people with Environmental Sensitivities;
- Support groups or organisations that endorse the project; and
- Medical and Health Practitioners who treat individuals with ES to register their support for the project.
A database of Environmental Sensitivities will allow us and other supporting groups to demonstrate an unmet need in the Australian community. This may be done by disseminating information on Environmental Sensitivities such as MCS to a wide range of organisations and groups including medical practitioners, local councils and the general public through appropriate information distribution channels.
Many of these conditions co-exist. For example a person with MCS may also suffer CFS and food intolerances. It is important to collect this information to determine the overall impact on health and lifestyle. You can assist by registering your support on the ANRES website: Collecting numbers will not bring about immediate changes but it is the first step in gaining recognition of environmental sensitivities, which are largely invisible functional impairments or disabilities. We need to create the will for action
You can download the flyer, here
Or visit the ANRES page for more information
Your thoughts?