From the wonderful people at Moms Clean Air Force is this free cartoon ebook:
“All year, our beloved Moms Clean Air Force cartoonists Danny Shanahan and Liza Donnelly give us something to smile about–even when the subject is as serious as climate change. Maybe especially when things are that serious– we welcome a gentle touch.
Please share our Holiday Cartoon Climate Change ebook with anyone you think needs a laugh.”
Click here to view or embed this ebook from Issuu onto your blog or into your social media feed; or just email the link to someone you want to give a laugh to—here’s the link:
Click here to join
And here to take action
Thanks Danny Shanahan and Liza Donnelly at Mom’s Clean Air Force. You do a great job; and, we really appreciate it
Thanks for the share here! Wishing you a wonderful holiday, Michellina!
That’s okay. Glad you enjoyed it
Happy holidays to you too, Christy.