Hey there,
Anyone who knows Greenpeace, or even of them, would know that they are an organisation who hold the value of peace in high esteem. So how the hell do they get accused of trying to bomb the Russians? Is it a lie? A bullying tactic by another Big Corporation to get their own way? A stand over tactic? Perhaps it’s all three, my dear fellow bloggers.
In case you haven’t heard, Greenpeace staged a protest against Arctic oil drilling on the Gazprom platform, Prirazlomnaya, in the Pechora Sea off the Russian coast. As part of this protest, and to shield the activists from things like water cannons, Greenpeace International carried a ‘safety pod’ to the Gazprom platform.
Russian media reports that Gazprom described the pod as ‘resembling a bomb’. The pod measures 3 meters long x 2 meters wide (about the size of a Mini), is painted in bright colours, and was made following a public competition.
“Clearly this is ludicrous. The pod is a big foam tube. Non-violence has been enshrined at the core of Greenpeace for more than 40 years. We engage in peaceful protests to expose environmental crimes. We posed no safety threat.
The same, however, cannot be said for the Russian Coast Guard, whose vessel fired 11 warning shots over the Arctic Sunrise on Wednesday as it demanded to board our ship.”
This here, is the supposed bomb. And, yes, it is a pod. Here, Ben Ayiffe, an ornithologist, who has worked on many Greenpeace issues and is head of the Arctic oil campaign, is inside the pod, showing us what it does.
Once again, Greenpeace need our support; and I’m sure you will all be happy to sign the petition below. Please read on…
“On 20 September the Russian Coast Guard illegally boarded the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise while in international waters and arrested 30 activists on board at gunpoint. The activists were protesting Arctic oil drilling on the Gazprom platform, Prirazlomnaya, in the Pechora Sea off the Russian coast.
Alex Harris, a staff member from our Sydney office, and Colin Russell, an Australian radio operator, bravely locked themselves in the ship’s radio room to keep communications open before they were rounded up with the rest of the crew.
Right now, all around the world, hundreds of supporters are flooding the streets outside the Russian embassies in their countries, to demand the release of the people who put their bodies on the line to protect the Arctic from oil destruction.
We are demanding the urgent release of all activists, the immediate withdrawal of the Coast Guard from our ship, and an end to offshore oil drilling in the Arctic for good.
Together let’s show we are stronger than those who want to destroy the Arctic, and will not be intimidated into silence.”
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“It’s been more than three days since we last had contact with the crew on board the Arctic Sunrise. It appears the Russian Coast Guard is still holding our activists on board under armed guard.
I can’t stress enough how urgent it is to get as many people as possible to email the Russian Ambassador to Australia demanding our activists be immediately released.Please send your message to the Russian Ambassador now.
Like you, I’m incredibly concerned for their well being. Together we’ve sent 300,000 messages to help set them free. Dozens of protests are taking place at Russian embassies and consulates around the world.
It takes a moment to join in this growing global outcry to help free the Arctic Sunrise crew. Add your voice: www.greenpeace.org/FreeOurActivists”
Greenpeace International responds to allegations from Russian authorities
Russia Says Greenpeace Crew Could Face Criminal Charges
Abundant Corals Discovered at Shell’s Chukchi Drill Site
“Discovering abundant corals in the Arctic waters right where Shell plans to drill this summer shows just how little is known about this fragile and unique region. Melting sea ice is not an invitation for offshore drilling in the Arctic, it’s a warning that this pristine environment should be protected and dedicated to science,” said John Hocevar, marine biologist and Oceans Campaign Director for Greenpeace USA.”
Washington Post: Greenpeace finds deep-sea corals on Shell’s Arctic drill site
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