I’ve been busy. Busy getting published. Busy writing. Busy interviewing. Busy trying to sort out my mould effected possessions. Busy sorting out family issues while living one and a half hours away. But most of all, busy healing myself. But even more than any of those things, I’ve been busy walking on the beach. Even in the rain. Everyday.
Recently, on Lord Howe Island, the discovery was made that pollution made up of plastic bits and pieces: Coca Cola lids and parts of their bottles, plastic bags, fishing paraphernalia, parts of thongs and so much more of society’s jetsam, was ending up on the shores of the beach and, cruelly, much of this found its way into bird’s stomachs.
Where I walk, on the beaches of the Bellarine Peninsula and the Surf Coast, there is a lot of glass. And birds. Heaps. So much so, I’m doing my bit for the environment by collecting them, bringing them home and placing them in glass vases.
Like this:

Sea glass art!
(What’s amazing about all this beach walking is that after all the treatments I’ve tried, it’s only this simple pleasure that’s had the biggest, positive impact on my health. Clean air is truly amazing.)
Thank you for writing. Your blog led me to find and join AESSRA which has been most helpful. I am wondering if you could perhaps write sometime about your mouldy possession sorting, what sort of things were cleanable and what was tossable. My hoped for beach haven house turned out to be my house of mouldy horrors and the sorting process has me throughly confused.
All the best to you
Hey, that’s great news. I’m glad you found AESSRA and that they’ve been of help to you. I just so happen to have a post in the pipeline about vacating my house of Mouldy Horrors. It’s nearly been two years since I’ve left and I’ve only just got rid of the last of the stuff (except for what is stored, which may or may not be okay). I photo journaled the whole process.
I really feel for you, and i’m sorry you have had to deal with this. I know how traumatic it can be. This last move was the 2nd time in 12 years where I’ve had to throw most of my possessions out. The first time was due to fragrance that I used to
bathe in, spray everywhereuse; and the 2nd time, mould. I’ll try to have it up by next week or so, okay? For now though, sunlight kills the spores; vacuuming, or wiping the dust away with paper towels (disposable) can help. It’s a repeat process, sun, clean, sun, clean, sun, clean. Take care not to cross contaminate.Be well, and thanks for stopping by
Our beach is lakesides– we live between 2 lakes & on a cold water lake— & it is terrible what people leave behind– Glad you are back– glad you have been writting– & good to hear from ya again!!!!
Hey Sonda
Mostly rubbish? Or is there something that appears a lot? I find it strange that there’s so much glass. It makes me think that it’s all from alcohol but it’s always so smooth, no sharp edges, which suggests it’s been in the sea for ages.
Thank you.
Getting published sounds like a good busy along with getting better.
That litter on the beach (or anywhere) is a pet peeve of mine. Why can’t people just put their garbage in a garbage can rather than just tossing it on the ground or in the water?
I get that, MCS Gal, I really do. In Singapore there are really severe punishments for littering and they have one of the cleanest cities (apart from the air pollution) in the world. I think littering our earth should attract harsh penalties.
Oh, how I love your beach glass. I wish I had some. The ocean near us doesn’t have anything like that. Lovely. I always feel so regenerated when I have spent the day at the ocean; I just wish it weren’t 2 1/2 hours away. My best to you.
Yes, I love it too. Need a bigger jar though. Each day I find around 5-10 pieces; it just keeps washing up. I know that feeling of being regenerated. This place is 1 hr and 45 away from the city so it’s a fair whack to travel when I go back but considering I was travelling up here just to go for walks in the fresh air, it’s nicer to be living here.
Thank you, friend. x