Today, I bring you this mind-riveting lecture on The NO/ONOO Cycle, a New Disease Paradigm from Professor Martin Pall, presented March 5, 2014 at the Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen:
This is a 2.5 hour lecture by Dr. Martin Pall. Dr. Pall developed a protocol to correct problems with nitric oxide/peroxynitrite. His protocol overlaps quite a bit with the methylation protocols that many are familiar with, but has additional emphasis on nitric oxide, peroxynitrites, and antioxidants.
Dr. Pall believes NO/ONOO dysfunction lies at the heart of several disorders (heart disease, hypertension, fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity, PTSD). Most of this lecture is a detailed explanation as to how these diseases relate to the NO/ONOO cycle.
I’ve [Judi Brooks] noted waypoints to save everyone time in accessing the video’s contents.
start……Intro to ideas and cycles
20:00…Downregulating cycle to reverse disease
25.38…Brief mention of systemic BH4 depletion
27:00…tendency for doctors to dismiss problems as psychological
29:40…treating cause rather than symptoms
30:45…34 mechanisms make up the NO/ONOO cycle, looking at heart disease
42.30…discussion of specific illnesses and how they relate to cycle47:00…genetic basis of chronic fatigue (cortisol, ACE/angiotensin, inflammation, mitochondrial, superoxide)
50.30…testing his theory against new data (including BH4 depletion)
55.17…low BH4 in CFS, raised by sauna therapy
55.38…discusses GTPCH1 (i.e. GCH1), HSP90 protein and heat, sauna therapy
59.00…thalamus and cortisol and exercise
1.00.00…Saurez study on CFS and dramatic nitric oxide rise on exercise (rest!)1.02.00…MCS pathways of action (pesticides, mercury), NMDA receptors
1.06.00…discussion of MCS, MSG sensitivity, CCK-B gene, dextromethorphan
1.09.30…Meggs study on inflammation, TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptors in MCS
1.11.00…Millqvist study on capsaicin, cough results in MCS
1.17.00…MCS genes (PON1 CYP2D6 NAT2 GSTM1 GSTT1 GSTP1 UGT1A1)
1.26.00…studies: Binkley’s CCK-B gene, Cui’s SOD-2 (superoxide dismutase)1.35.00…discussion of Hetherington and Battershill, and rebuttal of criticisms
1.49.00…Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, microwaves, low-energy EMF fields
1.50.00…voltage-gated calcium channels; EMF opens cellular calcium channels
1.51.00…Released calcium causes effects; similarities between Ca & NDMA1.54.00…Therapy ideas: 5-MTHF (methyfolate) as peroxynitrite scavenger
1.55.17…more on 5-MTHF; it increases methylation and lowers peroxynitrite
1.56.00…possible difficulty in tolerating high doses of 5-MTHF
1.58.00…high dose vitamin C helps 5-MTHF; 1 – 2.5g vit C will reduce ONOO
2.01.00…high vit C (1 – 2g) raises BH4 by converting BH3 back into BH4
2.02.00…IV vit C tried by some
2.03.10…hydrogen peroxide produced by IV vit C, may be anticancer in theory
2.04.00…H2O2 induces NRF2; as does zinc, curcumin, tocepherols (avoid alpha-tocepherol), silymarin, ellagic acid, green tea
2.06.00…sauna/heat’s main benefit may not be “detox” but by raising BH4
2.07.20…resveratrol raises SIRT1, which then raises BH4 and lowers superoxide, ONOO, and others
2.09.00…SIRT1 is NAD-dependent, but NAD is often low in NO/ONOO problem 2.09.14…take resveratrol with nicotinic acid (not nicotinamide) to raise NAD (Question: doesn’t nicotinic acid damage liver??)
2.11.00…use Mg-malate; magnesium deficiency increases NO/ONOO disease
2.13.00…omega-3 fatty acids; fish oil DHA and EPA;
2.14.00…cardiolipin, super oxide problem, heart failure
2.15.00…phosphlipids, phosphatidyl serine may go directly into mitochondria
2.16.00…L-carnitine and acetyl-l-carnitine help heart but may be mixed blessing
2.18.00…carotenoids useful, especially lycopene (tomatoes); activates NRF2
2.20.00… addendum slides on carotenoids, phenolic and thiol antioxidants
2.20.12…addendum slide on sauna therapy, BH4, and GTPCH-1 (GCH1)
2.20.17…addendum slide on glutathione, riboflavin, niacin, NADPH; using high-dose thiamine to increase NADPH via the pentose phosphate shunt
2.20.24…addendum slide on vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols); 12-lipoxygenase enzyme
2.20.31…addendum slide on high-dose B12. HyroxyB12 is a NO scavenger.
International Sholarly Research Articles: (The 44 distinct mechanisms that make up the NO/ONOO-Cycle) Pulmonary Hypertension Is a Probable NO/ONOO− Cycle Disease: A Review
The Labyrinth: Glutathione Nasal Spray
Jen Kongsai says
Hi Michellina, hope all is well. Just wanted to share that I recently successfully treated my MCS with N Acetyl Cysteine, from nightmare to no more reactions within a week. I understand what worked for me won’t work for everyone but it’s such an under utilised, little known, inexpensive supplement that has such broad applications, I want to tell people about it! I started learning about methylation and confirmed that among other genetic mutations I am homozygous for mthfr c677t. I should clarify that I take R Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) along with the NAC.
Michellina van Loder says
Hi! That’s very interesting. Can I ask how did you know to take the N Acetyl Cysteine? I’ve just completed the genetic testing so I appreciate your input because I’m still getting my head around it all. These are my mutations:
Homozygous mutations
Heterozygous mutations:
I have b12 injections and I’m now taking a glutathione spray. I’ll try the NAC 🙂 Thanks
Niccolo Navarrini says
Hi! I’m very interested in your genetic testing. Can I ask you where did you do the testing and how much is it?
I’m waiting for your news
Michellina van Loder says
Hi, I have a blog post with more details coming up soon but in the mean time I can offer you this: I used 23andme for the test. This cost me $130 AU and it took about 3-4 weeks to process. 23andme only give you the DNA reading, which takes either a lot of practice or a science degree in genetics to read. However, this report can then be submitted to a genetic reading service such as Genetic Genie (which is free, only asking for a donation) or MTHFR (which charge $20 AU). I used both as Genetic Genie only did some of the information and I wanted all of it. I hope this is helpful for you.
Tilted Mom says
Thanks for the time breakdown – will be very helpful!
Michellina van Loder says
Yeah, I found it helpful