Due to being under the weather for most of this year, I’ve not been reviewing products that I find useful for people living a life sensitive to chemicals. However, I aim to get right back into the sunshine; now that I’ve wiped away my tears. It’s not like I’ve been grateful for much at all, let alone thinking about how I can help others. But that really has changed. Not sure if it was looking at life through the lens of a camera (it’s still a thing, y’all), or the new found confidence I’m experiencing after completing and publishing my first book project, but I do feel mahoosivly grateful for so much lately. So without further verbosity, here, just in case you missed it, is something I’m most enamoured with lately: My Lilla Rose collection of Hair Jewellery.

I already did a post on Lilla Rose, and how I think these products are mighty useful for those of us who have problems with hair elastics; besides, they are so gorgeous and pretty that I want this post to link from my blog page too! And, because I’ve not been blogging since January, this year, 2014, it’s not like peeps are going to expect my product reviews to be back up. But just so you know, I’ve got a review coming up on a Dehumidifier that I’ve been using, as well. And an Australian brand of Mutalfor (as apposed to the type that comes from overseas) that I’ve had great success in using!
Other posts coming up:
The Day I Fell in Love with a Font
Losing Someone to MCS (and how to cope)
The new treatment I’ve been doing for the last year
A post on the Amazing Amelia Hill
Probably some more rabbit tails tales
Housing (mine)
My Latest Trip to the Dentist
And some other topics not usually spoken about…
And, here is something I am mahoosivly excited about: my interview that I spoke about, here, has just been accepted by AESSRA‘s (AESSRA stands for the Allergy and Environmental Sensitivity Support and Research Association Inc), editor of Sensitivity Matters. Woot woot! In that last post, I asked people to guess who I had interviewed, no one did, but I guess it was kind of obvious anyway because that’s who I was talking about when I alluded to my interviewee; well, it’s our own Kathryn Treat, author of Allergic To Life: My Battle for Survival, Courage and Hope. She’s so amazing, and a beacon of hope to us all! I can’t wait to see this interview come out in print, and I’ll be sure to put a copy of it up here.
And, in case you are wondering if I’ve lost my mind and started to invent my own English language, no (well, maybe I have lost my mind), but I’m not making up new words: Mahoosvie is just one of the latest additions to the Oxford Dictionary.
More from the Sydney Morning Herald:
“The addition this week of ‘mahoosive’ to the Oxford Dictionaries – among a record crop of 1000 other words or terms – flags that it’s considered a perfectly fine descriptor by the boffins who shape the English language.
Once, huge was entirely adequate. But in this age of exaggeration and who-can-shout-loudest, even superlatives such as gigantic, enormous and massive clearly no longer cut it. So we now have a portmanteau (two words thrust together) that combines ‘massive’ with ‘huge’.”
Welcome back, Michellina! Great to see you here
And I look forward to reading that interview too – congratulations!
Thank you, Christy
Missed your poetry, too!
I forgot to mention how excited and honored I am to have you interview me and to have this interview be accepted by AESSRA.
Thank you
That means a lot to me x
These are beautiful! I don’t enough hair for them but they would look beautiful on my daughter.
I agree, they look even cuter on children. I think they take the small unless they have really thick long hair.
Thank you, sister!