I’d like to ask the readers of my blog to take a stand—along with Greenpeace, myself, and hopefully, many, many others—to help protect the fragile Arctic region. Most of you would be aware of, heard of, or have read the news that the Arctic sea ice has fallen to the lowest level on record. In case this is news to you, there is this too: In just 30 years, more than 75% of sea ice has disappeared.
Look at it this way: the Antarctic acts as the Earth’s heart, regulating our climate and circulating the ocean currents. We need it. It is essential to everything. It may seem far away but the health of the Arctic affects every person on this planet.
I write this from a position of great sadness, after standing witness to the degradation of my own health—partly through my own actions/inactions but also through being a victim survivor of my own polluted environment. I’ll find a way to thrive; I can do this on my own; and I can find ways to ask others to assist me. But the Arctic cannot do any of this, nor is it to blame; for this wild beauty is the true victim in this mess of environmental illness.
Thirty years ago, Greenpeace led a movement to protect Antarctica. Today it remains a global sanctuary; a haven for scientific research and off-limits to exploitation. (Isn’t that just amazing? In my view, the essence of Greenpeace has travelled down through the ages from the true archetypal heroes of history.)
Here’s the thing though: walruses, narwhals and polar bears are struggling to survive in a melting Arctic. Meanwhile oil companies like Shell are rushing in to extract previously inaccessible oil reserves, and coal companies are forging ahead to dramatically increase Australia’s coal production, putting the health of this pristine area at risk.
Without a government to protect it, the Arctic is vulnerable to exploitation. Greenpeace has a plan for people around the world to become guardians of the Arctic. Already, 2 million people have pledged to save this pristinely beautiful landscape: a region just deserving. Greenpeace are asking that together we call on governments and the United Nations to turn the Arctic into a global sanctuary.
Next year polar explorers will take every name on the Arctic scroll and bury them 4km below the North Pole. One of those names is Sir Paul McCartney, who said “at some time, in some place, we need to take a stand. I believe that time is now and that place is the Arctic.”
Take a stand too and join the global movement defending that which affects us all. Sign the Arctic scroll today.
Click here if you’d like a free Greenpeace Screensaver to remind you of what we are trying to save! (Mine’s the polar bears.)
Or, click here if you’d like to share a little Greenpeace with the world and send an e-card and show how much you care!
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