No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means. ~ Maimonides
Could following a Palaeolithic lifestyle be the answer to all the world’s dietary ills? It’s certainly a one-stop answer to putting a halt to gluten sensitivity. And it’s a wonderful way to say bonvoyage to all those store bought ‘Frankenstein’ foods while sending them on their way, up to monster heaven, and out of your life. Hopefully, forever. And it’s a sweet kiss good-bye to sugar, aka the ‘White Death’ of the 21stcentury. Well, for me, it’s certainly been all of those, and a quick answer to loosing three kilos. Even though, how to lose weight was not the question that I’ve been begging an answer to.
My question: Will following a Palaeolithic diet help lead me the hell out of the Labyrinth of Chemical Sensitivities? Forever?
Perhaps it’s a little simplistic to think a good tightening up and a thorough cleaning up of the foods I digest could lead to such a thing? The Paleo path to good health lays bare up ahead, and I’ve found many blogs and sites that are helping to shape my ideas on this, but to be honest, I’m finding the ‘Paleo diet’ to be too rigid and I need more room to do what works for me (as I find it). Experimentation is key, so with that in mind, I’m now following a diet lifestyle based on a Paleo ‘template’…
From beyond paleo:
But here’s the key difference between a Paleo diet and a Paleo template: following a diet doesn’t encourage the participant to think, experiment or consider his or her specific circumstances, while following a template does.
The articles below discuss an approach that goes “Beyond Paleo” and recognizes the biochemical individuality of each person. It also acknowledges that although observing the diet of our ancestors is an excellent starting place, it’s just that – a starting place. The fact that a food did not exist in the Paleolithic area is not alone a justification for not eating it. This is where modern science comes in. It allows us to confirm or disprove the hypotheses we generate by studying our Paleo ancestors.
For those of you who enjoyed the last infographic I posted, here is another one. If you’d like to post it on your blog/website, you can find the html for it here
Learn more about the Paleo Diet.
This (from the infographic above) is what’s making me laugh today: ’What would a caveman do?’
Answer, ‘Look for frozen or fresh vegies in the supermarket aisle that can be cooked in fat’. Of course, as you do!
Oh, and here’s what I’m reading now: Primal Body, Primal Mind
“Combining your body’s Paleolithic needs with modern nutritional and medical research for complete mind-body wellness! “
Now that’s a Palaeolithic Template!
Oh, and here is the I Quit Sugar cookbook that I’ve been reading.
I just went to a nutritionist and we talked about this very thing! Whole grain in moderation and high quality dairy. No sugar.
Awesome, do let me know when you find replacement snacks for sugar. At the moment I’m snacking on almond butter straight out of the jar with a spoon, and coconut flakes. Yum.